Home > Megatrends > Semiconductor Devices
Semiconductor devices are electronic components that rely on the electronic properties of semiconductor materials such as silicon and germanium to function. Semiconductor devices are small, dependable, and cost-effective solutions that are integrated with power devices, LEDs, and optical sensors. These devices are widely used in consumer electronics, industrial, automotive, medical, IT& telecom, aerospace & defense, power & utility sectors. However, the current trend of semiconductor shortage across the globe has encouraged several developing countries to locally produce semiconductor devices. This will help the countries to strengthen their economy, create growth opportunities, and shift their reliability to other major semiconductor suppliers.
Growing technological innovations, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, 5G & others, are propelling the adoption of semiconductor devices. These technologies aligned with semiconductor devices enable OEMs and researchers to develop smart electronic devices for multiple applications. Additionally, the increasing inclination toward miniaturization and compact electronics technology will spur the semiconductor device market size in the future. Also, several companies are adopting fabless semiconductor production technology, enabling system integrators to retain control of business models. This has supported system integrators to define system expectations for new product offerings at the start of the design cycle.
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