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U.S. Utility Vehicle Market Analysis

  • Report ID: GMI9785
  • Published Date: Jun 2024
  • Report Format: PDF

U.S. Utility Vehicle Market Analysis

Based on propulsion, the market is divided into diesel, gasoline and electric. The electric segment accounted for a market share of around 60% in 2023. Electric-powered utility vehicles are witnessing a surge in popularity driven by advancements in battery technology and environmental consciousness. With zero emissions and low operating costs, electric utility vehicles are becoming the preferred choice for both commercial & recreational uses. This trend highlights the industry's shift toward sustainability and the increasing adoption of electric vehicles across various sectors.


For instance, in April 2024, Club Car debuted its latest electric utility vehicle, the Club Car Urban, tailored for construction sites and urban environments. The lineup includes the XR and LSV models, catering to diverse needs within these settings. With its robust design and versatility, Club Car Urban promises to streamline operations and enhance mobility in both construction and urban landscapes.


U.S. Utility Vehicle Revenue Market Share, By Application, 2023

Based on application, the U.S. utility vehicle market is categorized construction, universities government/municipalities, entertainment, and hospitality. The hospitality segment accounted for a market share of around 30% in 2023. Hotels and resorts are turning to utility vehicles with cargo beds for transporting luggage, linens, and supplies across expansive properties. The ample storage space and versatility of bed-equipped utility vehicles make them an indispensable tool for housekeeping, maintenance, and groundskeeping departments in the hospitality industry.


Hotels & resorts are increasingly adopting street-legal utility vehicles to enhance their operational flexibility. These vehicles can seamlessly transition between on- and off-property errands, allowing staff to easily navigate between the resort and nearby attractions or suppliers. The ability to legally operate on the streets makes these utility vehicles a practical & efficient choice for the hospitality industry.


Texas Utility Vehicle Market Size, 2022-2032 ( USD Million)

Texas dominated the U.S. utility vehicle market with a major share of over 10% in 2023. Universities are increasingly opting for street-legal utility vehicles that can seamlessly transition between on-campus use and public roads. These vehicles offer greater flexibility and convenience, allowing staff to easily travel between multiple campus locations or run errands in the surrounding community without the need for additional transportation.


Hotels & resorts are increasingly adopting street-legal utility vehicles to enhance their operational flexibility. These vehicles can seamlessly transition between on- and off-property errands, allowing staff to easily navigate between the resort and nearby attractions or suppliers. The ability to legally operate on the streets makes these utility vehicles a practical & efficient choice for the hospitality industry.

Authors: Preeti Wadhwani

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :

The market size for utility vehicle in U.S. reached USD 391.7 billion in 2023 and is set to witness 5% CAGR from 2024 to 2032, led by the growth in the construction and agriculture sector in the region.

The electric propulsion segment held 60% share in 2023, due to advancements in battery technology and environmental consciousness.

The hospitality application segment in the U.S. utility vehicle industry recorded 30% share in 2023, as they are extensively used to transport luggage, linens, and supplies across expansive properties.

Texas market accounted for over 10% share in 2023, as universities are increasingly opting for street-legal utility vehicles that can seamlessly transition between on-campus use and public roads.

U.S. Utility Vehicle Market Scope

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Premium Report Details

  • Base Year: 2023
  • Companies covered: 9
  • Tables & Figures: 250
  • Countries covered: 1
  • Pages: 200
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