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Ambulance Market Analysis

  • Report ID: GMI9486
  • Published Date: May 2024
  • Report Format: PDF

Ambulance Market Analysis

Based on vehicle type, the market is segmented into Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and medium-duty ambulances. The Type 1 segment was valued at over USD 5.8 billion in 2023. The increasing population has led to a growing need for emergency medical services (EMS) keeps rising. Type 1 ambulances are crucial for providing prompt access to pre-hospital treatment and medical transportation. In the healthcare sector, patient outcomes and high-quality care are becoming increasingly important.

Providers can provide patients with higher levels of care during transport when Type 1 ambulances with integrated health monitoring systems, specialist medical equipment, and advanced life support capabilities are available. The need for Type 1 ambulances that are customized to meet the needs of certain patients is being driven by the growth of specialty EMS programs, including critical care transport, newborn transport, and bariatric transport. Ambulance manufacturers are working on creating configurations that may be customized to fit a variety of patient demographics and medical situations.

Ambulance Market Share, By Fuel, 2023

Based on fuel type, the ambulance market is categorized into diesel, gasoline, and electric. The diesel segment is projected to grow at a CAGR of over 6% from 2024 to 2032. Diesel engines are a popular option for heavy-duty applications like ambulances because of their reputation for dependability and efficiency. Diesel-powered Type 1 ambulances continue to be a viable choice for fleet owners looking for long-term cost savings and performance reliability as improvements in diesel engine technology enhance fuel efficiency and lower emissions.

The development potential of diesel ambulances may be impacted by strict emission rules and fuel economy criteria. To satisfy ever-tougher emission regulations while preserving the efficiency and dependability of diesel engines, manufacturers are spending money on R&D. Maintaining growth in the diesel segment will depend heavily on compliance with emission standards.

Asia Pacific Ambulance Market Size, 2022 -2032, (USD Billion)

Asia Pacific dominated the global ambulance market size is expected to hold around USD 7.9 billion market revenue by 2032. The Asia Pacific area has experienced a surge in investments towards updating and extending its healthcare infrastructure to provide better access to emergency medical services and other healthcare services. The expansion of the market may be facilitated by government financing for emergency medical training programs, ambulance fleets, and stations.

To provide more thorough care while in transit, telemedicine capabilities and mobile healthcare services are becoming increasingly integrated into ambulance operations in North America. Transforming patient triage and treatment decision-making, ambulances fitted with telemedicine technology can enable real-time communication with medical professionals.

Ambulance market demand has increased in China due to the country's growing urbanization and ongoing healthcare reforms, especially in densely populated places. The expansion of the ambulance industry in China is facilitated by government initiatives to increase access to healthcare services and strengthen emergency medical response systems.

The United Arab Emirates has emerged as a popular destination for healthcare tourism, drawing individuals seeking specialist medical treatments and operations from surrounding nations and beyond. Ambulances are essential for getting patients to and from medical facilities; this helps to fuel the demand for ambulance services and supports the expansion of medical tourism.

Authors: Preeti Wadhwani, Aishwarya Ambekar

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :

The market size of ambulance reached USD 12.9 billion in 2023 and is set to witness 5.8% CAGR between 2024 and 2032, owing to the growing investments in the healthcare sector worldwide.

The type 1 segment exceeded USD 5.8 billion in 2023, as the increasing population has led to the growing need for emergency medical services (EMS).

Asia Pacific market will generate USD 7.9 billion by 2032, backed by government financing for emergency medical training programs, ambulance fleets, and stations.

Auto Ribeiro, Bollanti, Braun Industries, Inc., Crestline Ambulance, Demers Ambulances, Excellence, Inc., Frazer Ltd, Global Medical Response Company, JCBL Group and MEDICOP d.o.o.

Ambulance Market Scope

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Premium Report Details

  • Base Year: 2023
  • Companies covered: 20
  • Tables & Figures: 360
  • Countries covered: 25
  • Pages: 240
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